Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mr. C's special Christmas Present

My very persistent husband's efforts finally paid off. Jeff has asked EVERY single nurse since we have been here if Mr. C could see his sister. Last night he finally found the right nurse who decided she would ask the charge nurse if it would be possible for Mr. C to see his sister before surgery. We finally got a YES! They told us we could bring him back to her room at 7:00 this morning. We put a mask on him, shut our curtains and he was able to spend about 25 minutes with her. He loved it! He has an amazing bond with this little girl. Two nights ago I showed him a picture of her and he grabbed my camera kissed her face. He then looked at me, poked his bottom lip out and tears streamed down his face. He told me, "mom, I LOVE my baby sister!" He knew she was coming before we told him. One prayer he thanked Heavenly Father for his baby sister. He had no idea that I was even pregnant at that point. I have spent the last nine months with him attached to my belly kissing it and talking to her. A week and a half ago he told us that she would come in four days. That fourth day I began strong contractions and she was born the following morning. He has had a such a hard time understanding why he can't meet her. I am grateful to Jeff for making this meeting happen so much sooner that we had thought.
One last look at our baby girl before they fix her broken heart. We will keep things updated as the day progresses.

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