Gracelyn turned three months old today! This week alone she had a couple major milestones. On the 10th she rolled over from her back to her belly. She wasn't sure what to do, I had my back turned from her and I could hear her grunting. I turned around to find she wasn't how I left her. This week she slept 9.5 hours. She hasn't been sleeping more than 4-5 hours because of bad ear infections (which she still has) and this week she has been sleeping 8-10 hours. YEAH FOR SLEEP! When we went to the doctor this week she finally broke the 10 pound mark. We are finally starting to get out the 0-3 months clothes. She has started to fit in some of them. She is smiling like crazy! All you have to do is say the word smile to her and you'll get one. She continues to be a content happy baby, unless she's hungry...then you better watch out. She will scream! and it is loud! Some things about Gracelyn at three months:
-She still loves her binki. If she starts to cry we just have to put her binki in and wrap her blanket around her so that it is up touching both of her cheeks and she will fall asleep.
-She has started to reach up and touch our face if we are talking to her.
-She likes to be carried forward so that she can see whats going on.
-She still likes to be bundled up tight to be put to sleep.
-Whenever we put her in the car and drive she falls asleep.
- She LOVES to take a bath!
We are so happy to have this beautiful baby in our home and pray the next three months can go as smooth as the first. We truly have cherished all these things about her now matter how small. We are very grateful to see all the progress she is making and healthy she has been. We Love You Miss Grace!
Where to even start
9 months ago
We are so glad to hear of her growth and success. You are all still in our prayers and we love to hear your updates, thanks. I hope you are getting more sleep as well. Take care friends.