Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pre-op Appointment

Gracelyn had her pre-op appointment on Friday and she did great. She was so brave for the physical and x-rays. It wasn't until the blood draw that things became a little difficult. It took four of us to hold her down. Ya, not my funnest mom moment. 
These are her chest x-rays from Friday. I would think they were pretty cool if they were pictures of someone else, but since it's my baby....they are not cool at all. You can see the six wires down the center. Those are the wires they placed in the last surgery to hold her sternum together. We will get some new wires soon. ;)

Everything looked great at the appointment. We were told that she would be first case Monday morning. We have to be to the hospital by 6:00a.m. and surgery will be 7:00p.m. They anticipate the surgery to be 5 hours long.

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