On November 2 we took Grace to Primary's to have a monitor placed on her. They took her off the medication that controls her tachycardia and wanted to monitor her after she had been off it for a week. Wow! What a chore that was. We spent the entire afternoon at the hospital. (Fortunately we had Grandma with us and we had stopped for a nice lunch at the Spaghetti Factory before we went. ) We had to leave the monitor on for 24 hours. It was kind of tricky we all those wires and her being so active, but we managed....almost. Right as we were at the time we could remove it she decided to help. We had been driving in the car and when we got out we found her with the electrodes in her mouth. Yum! I guess that meant we were done. We sent it back and haven't heard back from the doctors yet. We hope no news is good news. It has been WONDERFUL without having to give her propranolol.
While we were at the Hospital we also met with her ENT. Her ears have been awful, but the doctor looked at them and said they were great. I loved hearing that, but wanted an explanation for her lack of sleep. The doctor referred us to the sleep lab and wanted me to make an appointment immediately. I didn't feel like that was the answer and left without making an appointment.
We are so happy and blessed that all continues to go well.
-Side note about Mr. C. He was so excited to be going to the eating hospital (he calls it that because whenever sister is admitted Grandpa & Grandma bring him down to see us every night and have dinner with us). He kept telling me how happy he was to go through the circle doors, and watch spider man, and see Mario and Spiderman, and eat and... Finally I stopped him and said I don't think your sister would feel the same. I explained that is where they fix her heart and have to cut her chest open. He followed that with, "Ya, but they don't irritate ME."