Last week Gracelyn turned EIGHT months old. What a difference one month can make! As my dad keeps saying "she has turned into a kid!" I keep telling him she moved from the infant stage to a baby, but he insists on saying she has become a kid. :) She has changed in every way! She is eating "real" food, she'll even feed herself (with her hands, of course), she is sleeping a little better, she is smiling so much, she has even thrown herself at her dad a couple of time so that he would hold her, she has started signing back to us, she loves to play with toys, she is gaining weight like crazy...she continues to grow and progress in so many ways. We consider our selves SO blessed to have Gracelyn progressing the way she is. We are grateful to have had another GREAT month with our little lady.
Gracelyn at Eight moths old:
-She LOVEs, LOVES, LOVES her brother! Anything that he does is hilarious to her. He can make her smile like no one else can.
-She loves Little People toys.
-She can sign "more" when she wants more the eat
-Anytime her dad walks in a room she says, "Hi Dad"
-Grandpa and Grandma taught her to point to her nose (or yours) when you ask where it is- cutest thing ever!
-She weighs 15 pounds even!!
-She is only on two medications!
-She has big chubby cheeks
-Still loves to suck on her binki, thumb, fingers, toes...whatever she can get the fastest
-She is sitting up on her own
-She is sleeping better, she has started waking up only three times a night.
Where to even start
8 months ago
What a sweet girl. She looks so beautiful and happy and it's fun to see her sitting up on her own. Love ya!