Monday, June 7, 2010

Gracelyn's Prayer Blanket...

Things have finally calmed down enough that I am able to post about Gracelyn's beautiful blanket. I LOVE THIS BLANKET! I can't say enough how much this blanket means to me. We received hearts from all parts and times of our lives. It is amazing. I wanted to share just a little about this blanket.

The blanket includes:
-92 hearts
-Hearts that represent entire families and some that represent individuals
-Hearts from a fellow heart buddy. (The material they gave us is what was used to make her 1 year celebration quilt. It represented all she had been through over the past year.)
-A heart made from material brought back from Japan.
-A heart made from the material of a special hospital gown
-Hearts representing prayers being said by family
-Hearts representing prayers being said all over the US
-Hearts representing prayers being said in Argentina
-Hearts representing prayers from members of our ward
-Hearts representing prayers from people I work with
-Hearts representing old high school and elementary friends
-A heart made from material used to make clothes for me when I was young
-My sister's heart comes from material she used to make Gracelyn a blanket with at birth
-A cousin's heart comes from material she used to make us a nursing cover when she was born

-All of the hearts are different except for five (they are pink with brown around them)that were put on to represent those they weren't praying for her, but those that I imagine were there with her during those 6 hours. My four grandparents and Jeff's grandpa. They have all returned to Heavenly Father.

-There are 7 hearts that are bigger than the rest. I suppose that is because they represent those that are praying for her more than anyone else. Jeff, Mr. C, myself and our four parents.

-There are only 8 hearts that have text on them. They read: CUBS, Brigham Young University, Book of Mormon, kitten, love, Gone Camping, John Deere and He is always with us.

-There is a large heart that was embroidered by my friend Kathryn. Thank you Kathryn! It reads:

June 4, 2010
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24

Another friend from my ward helped me pick the scripture. Thank you Rose!

-My wonderful mother sewed the entire blanket for us. We planned on getting it done early, but had so many people bring hearts that we put the last one on hours before we left for the hospital. My mom finished it while I went home to finish getting ready and go to bed. When I woke up and left at 5:00a.m. it was sitting in my car. Thank you mom! I love you! This blanket means the world to me and I know Gracelyn will love it when she is old enough to understand.

I want to thank all of those that brought and mailed us hearts. More importantly I want to thank those that prayed and continue to pray for Gracelyn. You can't imagine what it means to us! My heart is overwhelmed with your love, selflessness and kindness.

(If any of you have something else to share about the heart you gave us let me know)


  1. Her blanket is beautiful! I am sure there is a very special story behind each and every heart. Gracelyn is looking great! Sure do love you guys.

  2. What a beautiful blanket!! She is looking great after surgery. What an amazing, strong, and inspirational little girl she is!!

  3. Wow, the blanket looks amazing! That is fantastic! I love it! Congrats! Keep the healing coming! :)

  4. Oh, that turned out so darling. So glad I got to help put a heart on there for her. Good job Andee. Amazing!
